Air Plant Care
Air plants of the tillandsia genus are part of the bromeliad family of epiphatic plants.
They attach themselves to other plants or surfaces and thrive in humid or high rainfall locations where they stay hydrated. In the home, you will need to water your air plant regularly and give fertilizer for best results. But beyond that the display options are nearly endless and you can be creative where and how your air plants will live.
1. Air plants do not live in soil. They can be set on a counter top, propped up on a figurine, hung from the ceiling…there are nearly endless creative display ideas.
2. Lighting- Air plants need some light. A sunny room 5+ feet away from the window would be idea. For best color, they can be placed where they will receive 1-2 hours of morning light directly and indirect light the rest of the day. A dark corner will not allow these plants to survive.
3. Temperature & Humidity- Air plants prefer high humidity and moderate temperatures. They will adapt to normal home conditions as long as you keep up on watering them.
4. Water- Air plants are often sensitive to chemicals and minerals in the water. Well water, purified bottled water, evaporated water from the dehumidifier are best. Tap water can be OK but let it sit out at room temperature for an hour or two before using it.
Air plants want to be soaked for at least 20 minutes once per week. Then it is very important to let them dry out thoroughly by setting them upside down on a towel for a few hours.
5. Fertilizer- use a fertilizer specifically for air plants and follow the directions. You may instead use a liquid house plant fertilizer in the soaking water at ¼ normal dilution. Fertilize at least once per month for best results.